The stopping power of thermal plasma to heavy ions with low velocity is studied by using quantum scattering theory and dielectric response theory. 应用量子散射理论和介电响应理论,研究了热等离子体对低速重离子的电子阻止本领。
These days, the researches of classical and quantum chaos in the billiard are all mature, including the research of the scars of periodic orbits, the transmission of quantum scattering, and the calculation of eigenstates in quantum billiard systems. 目前,混沌台球系统的经典行为研究已经非常成熟,量子行为的研究也渐趋成熟,周期轨道疤痕的研究,量子混沌散射传输行为,以及量子台球系统能量本征态的计算等等。
Full quantum state resolved scattering dynamics of high Rydberg H atom with hydrogen molecule: the validity of Fermi model 高里德伯态氢原子与氢分子的全量子态分辨的散射动力学研究:费米模型的精确性
Quantum groups arose from the study of quantum inverse scattering method, especially the Yang Baxter equation. 量子群起源于量子逆散射方法,特别是量子Yang-Baxter方程的研究。
The free Green's function in quantum scattering is calculated by using the two kinds of methods of bypassing and removing the limit points. 用绕过极点和移动极点两种方法计算了量子散射自由Green函数。
A New Progress in Quantum Scattering Calculations for the Reaction Dynamics 反应散射量子力学计算的新进展
Highly accurate full quantum scattering theoretical modeling shows that the reaction resonance is caused by two Feshbach resonance states. Further studies show that quantum interference is present between the two Feshbach resonance states for the forward scattering product. 通过高精度的全量子散射动力学研究,发现这一共振现象是由两个Feshbach共振态所引起的,而且这两个Feshbach共振态之间在前向散射有明显的量子干涉效应。
A Quantum Scattering Theoretical Study on the Reaction Cross Sections of Ion-Pair Formation Processes 离子对生成反应截面的量子散射理论研究
Method of Negative Imaginary Potentials for Treating Quantum Reactive Scattering 处理量子反应散射的负虚数势方法
An Approximatively Solvable Model for Quantum Elastic Scattering 一个量子弹性散射的近似可解模型
One-dimensional and two-dimensional quantum scattering 一维和二维的量子散射
Collinear Exact Quantum Scattering Study& Vibrational Deactivation of H+ ClH ( v) on a Reactive Potential Energy Surface 一维精确量子散射研究&H+ClH(u)在反应势能面上的振动去激
A Quantum Scattering Theoretical Study on the Compound-State Formation and the Rotational-State Distribution of the Product for the Three-Dimensional State-to-State H+ H_2 ( v, j)→ H2 ( v ', j')+ H Reaction 三维H+H2(v,j)→H2(v′,j′)+H反应中复合态生成及产物转动态分布的量子散射理论研究
Resonaces in the Multi-Channel Quantum Scattering 多通道量子散射中的共振
The poles of one-dimensional quantum scattering and the energy of bound state 一维量子散射的极点与束缚态能量
Four-dimensional quantum scattering calculations on the D+ CD_ 4 → CD_ 3+ D_ 2 reaction D+CD4→CD3+D2反应的四维量子散射计算
In this paper, a quantum scattering theory is given to calculate the performances of the X-ray multilayer Bragg-Fresnel lens recently developed for X-ray optics. 提出用量子散射理论研究X射线波段的新型元件&Bragg-Fresnel元件,并对该元件的设计原理作了详细推导。
In the framwork of the graded quantum inverse scattering method ( QISM), we obtain the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of supersymmetric t-J model with reflecting boundary conditions in FBF background. The corresponding Bethe ansatz equation are also obtained. 在阶化量子反散射的框架中,得到FBF背景下,带反射边界条件的超对称t-J模型的本征值和本征矢,及相应的Betheansatz方程。
At the same time, studies on the dynamics of the N+ OH reaction has been performed via time-dependent quantum reactive scattering theory. 此外,我们还利用含时量子反应散射理论研究了N+OH反应的动力学行为。
In this paper, detailed dynamics of K+ HF and H+ HBr systems have been studied using the time-dependent quantum wave packet scattering theory. 本文运用含时量子波包散射方法对K+HF和H+HBr两个反应体系进行了详细的动力学研究。首先,在R。
The Quantum Scattering Study for Ion-pair Formation Reaction Na+ I_2 → Na~++ I_2 → with LCAC-SW Method Na+I2→Na~++I2~-离子对生成反应几率的LCAC-SW量子散射计算
A Quantum Scattering Method for the Magneto-Optical Kerr Effect 磁光Kerr效应的量子散射方法
An R& matrix also exists such that the quantum analogue of these systems fit in with the scheme of the quantum inverse scattering method. 同时还指出存在一个R-矩阵使得这些系统的量子化形式的可积性可由量子反散射方法证明。
Bilinear variational method for the transition matrix elements in the quantum scattering 量子散射跃迁矩阵元的双线性变分法变革中的劳动就业
After defining the reference state, we solve the eigenvalue problem of the transfer matrix and give the Bethe ansatz equations and the energy spectrum of the Hamiltonian in the framework of quantum inverse scattering method. 然后通过构造转移矩阵的参考真空态并利用嵌套Betheansatz方法,给出了系统的能量本征值,本征矢和Betheansatz方程。至此我们得到了一维N分量开边界Bariev模型的精确解。
We presented the theoretical model of collisional quantum interference on rotational energy transfer in atom-diatom system, using the theories of time dependent Born approximation and quantum inelastic scattering, and taking into account the long-range interaction potentials. 应用含时微扰理论和量子非弹性散射理论,考虑一级含时波恩近似,长程相互作用和直线轨迹近似,建立了原子-双原子分子体系分子转动传能中的量子干步模型。
Using the Schwinger variational principle, the bilinear variational method for the transition in the quantum scattering is developed. 应用Schwinger变分原理,发展了计算量子散射跃迁矩阵元的双线性变分法。
Study on the Oscillatory Behaviour of the Reaction Probability for the I+ HI '( v)-IH ( v')+ I 'System Using by Quantum Scattering Theory I+HI′(v)→IH(v′)+I′反应几率振荡行为的量子散射理论研究
Calculation of the free Green's function in quantum scattering 量子散射自由Green函数的计算
Scattering theory is described in detail. The implementing of quantum gates with scattering theory also is included. 3. 对连续时间量子行走中的散射理论进行研究,详细说明了利用散射理论来设计量子逻辑门的方法。